
Seven Deadly Sins

Apparently I have been tagged by Sher so here goes..... this is the second time I'm doing the test, and actually me results differ slightly ;-) but there was no cheating I promise! ;-)

Greed:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz on 4degreez.com


Does one thing affect the other?

A couple of days ago, some friends and I were discussing the situation when something bad happens it colours your perception to the whole experience, including totally other unrelated events that happen just before or after the bad experience.

Have I lost you? ;-)

It could be something more direct like Mummy C never wanting to eat the Caesar salad at Coffee Bean anymore after one meal gave you food poisoning. Same thing happened to me with Boston Creams L my favourite dunkin donut…..

But sometimes it can be totally unrelated, for example Miss Hoity Toity’s (hehehe sorry, she’s one of the sweetest & down to earth girls I know but we like teasing her with the name) doesn’t like massages anymore, because once after going for a massage she got sick afterwards. Totally unrelated but it coloured her perception.

It happens to me too, from something trivial like hating a particular perfume because I didn’t like the guy (weird right?) but there is one thing that has affected me deeply until now…..

Back in my university days (God that aeeeooonnnsss ago) I was involved in a project called Projek Kalsom under the auspices of UKEC. It was a 5 day camp held for Form 4 underprivileged children. It was organised and conducted entirely by a bunch of university students who shared the same passion and drive to make a difference in this world (or rather we were still pretty naïve back then ;-)

I loved it! My first Projek Kalsom was in Dungun, Terengganu. It was also a week of self-revelation for me, to realise just how lucky I am in this world and how many things I take for granted. The kids were wonderful and they really had an effect on me. I cried buckets when it was time to leave. The friendships I’ve made during the camp have also endured, some of us are still friends until today almost 10 years on.

I loved it so much, I pledged to continue on with it and became a member of the organising committee for the following Projek Kalsom. It was in Melaka and great fun!

The following year, I decided to join Projek Kalsom again this time in Johor Bharu. I had just recently graduated from university and was basically bumming around until I start my CLP classes (Certificate Legal Practice – the professional qualification to enable me to practice as an advocate and solicitor in Malaysia) (err just in case anyone was wondering, I’m no longer a lawyer).

Anyway, it was also great fun, met up with my old friends. Met a wonderful bunch of kids and got along great with them.

On our last night a group of us decided to hang out on the school grounds (the benefits of being the facilitator the “rules” don’t apply to you hehehe), we ended up chit chatting until 6 am in the morning!

I returned to my room to find several missed calls from my phone as well as a voice mail from my mother. Basically she said my grandmother suffered a stroke and is in the hospital.

I was stunned, and I didn’t know what to think. I was scared, worried, depressed… a million of emotions were going through me at once.
I dearly loved my grandmother, she was almost like a mother to me. I had lived with my grandparents when I was a child for a while (when my parents were studying in US), and I was sent to my grandparents house every day while my parents were at work. As we grew older, I started spending every weekends at their house. I’d like to think they also had played a pivotal role in my upbringing (e.g. when I was a child if I did something wrong, not only would I get an earful from my parents but also my grandparents, uncles and aunts who all felt they were also the ones who helped raised – sometimes not fun I tell you! hehehe)

My grandmother used to say I was her favourite grandchild because I was the one who “came back” i.e. I genuinely loved going to their house and spending time with them. My parents, although I have no doubt of their love for me, are not the most affectionate people in the world. My grandparents on the other hand were complete opposites, my grandmother was especially loving and affectionate.

And I felt like I was far away, we were only supposed to leave at 2pm that day (we had taken a bus down) and the trip was supposed to take about 4-5 hours.
I got through the day, said goodbye to my “adik-adiks” but it was mainly a blur, got through the bus ride home. My father was waiting for me, the first thing he said to me was “things don’t look good”.

We went straight to the hospital, and by the time I arrived she had fallen into a coma. They said she was lucid and coherent after her stroke, able to hold conversations but fell into a coma during the day. I must have cried the whole night, I just couldn’t stop. The following week she remained in a coma the whole entire week, I was powerless to do anything except be by her side reciting the doas or simply having a conversation with her. My aunt comforted me saying, she probably can hear you it doesn’t hurt to try. One night at 4 am we got a call from my uncle, who told us to come to the hospital straight away. He didn’t need to say it, but we knew she had passed on without ever regaining consciousness.

I never got to say goodbye, and the one thing that kept running through my mind was that if I wasn’t at Johor Bharu doing the Projek Kalsom I would have been able to say goodbye. And I’ve felt guilty ever since, I should have been there with her. Me, her favourite grandchild, I should have been there…. And I felt cheated because I never got to say goodbye to my grandmother once last time. I never got to say goodbye…….

I know I know, one thing had nothing to do with the other. And it wasn’t anyone’s fault, not me, not the Projek Kalsom, nothing. Sudah ditakdirkan. But that’s my head making those rational statements, my heart says an entirely different thing. There were a thousand if only’s going through my mind.

And I felt such an unreasonable resentment for going to Johor Bharu, and the Projek by association. Again, I know it’s completely idiotic but I am only human.

Fast forward a couple of years, some of the same people who organised the original Projek Kalsom organised a new type of Project called Projek Tekad. As everyone now is older and is working, they re-jigged the concept and it is now down over a weekend instead of a 5 day period. But the concept and even some of the modules was the same. My friends from the original Projek Kalsom had invited me to join in, I was even part of the committee for the first project. When I went, it was fun and admittedly I had a great time but I had the same nagging feelings of resentment inside. It tried to suppress it but it was there, and the slightly faded away feelings of losing my grandmother came flooding back. Again, my head is saying it’s not the same thing and it was so silly to feel this way but my heart was undergoing an entirely different thing. I got through the project, but I felt disturbed. I felt out of sorts, and slightly depressed……

It was weird, and I didn’t think I was going to be affected by it after all these years. And AGAIN it doesn’t make sense, it’s a completely different thing. And one thing had nothing to do with the other. But being there brought back memories. Memories that I hate having being drudged up.

So after that, I’ve stopped going. I never signed up for the subsequent projects although asked by some friends (although there has been only one more so far with more in the pipeline). I felt I really didn’t feel like going through the emotions again……

But I guess sometime, no matter how hard you try to rationalise things sometimes your heart doesn’t listen. And no matter how silly the reason might be, your heart feels what it wants to feel…. So in this case I can’t go for Projek Tekad (or probably any other similar ventures) because it brings back depressing memories of not being able to say goodbye and not being there for her……

America's Next Top Model 4

America’s Next Top Model

I must confess I already know the winner of season 4 of the America’s Next Top Model. The 5th cycle has just recently ended in the US in fact. Anyone who wants to know all the details can log on to
www.realitynewsonline.com or go to the UPN website at http://www.upn.com/shows/top_model4/.

Nevertheless, I’m VERY excited about watching season 4. It’s one thing to read about it but another to actually watch it. I’ve told Javard I might do a weekly review of ANTM so here goes! I’ll start off my series of articles (err I hope) with a review of each girl (in alphabetical order). Here goes!

Brandy is a 20-year-old cosmetology student from Houston, TX. She reads Seventeen magazine, her favorite movie is The Lord of the Rings trilogy and her favorite TV show is The Parkers.

Her attitude will be a major problem in the show, how can you tell a photographer that you are in a bad mood because they kept you waiting? I think she probably has the misconception that a lot of people have about models leading glamorous and easy lives (chewah like la I know hahaha but you know you pick up a few things while watching TV, it aint easy!). Plus the whole big hoo haa about her hair. I mean I know all girls LOVE getting a makeover, and would understand how it is to feel left out. But she should also have seen it in a positive manner (like Julie in ANTM 3), that she looks good enough already that Tyra et all thought they didn’t have to do anything else to improve on her. But alas that wasn’t how she felt, and got her hair all chopped off. Which to me removed the unique part about her. Let’s see how it all plays out……

Brita hails from La Canada, CA. She’s 25, and an avid listener of Howard Stern. Her favorite foods include sushi and cheese. Her favourite movie is Pretty Woman.

I loved her! I thought she was gorgeous. But the judges were right, her photographs were horrible. But I also felt the pose was rather uncomfortable for her, Why couldn’t they ask her to pose differently? Perhaps she could have done better. I guess I’m just still sore about her elimination. Plus it was quite sad when she said since she’s 25 this is probably her last chance.

Speaking of her age, I didn’t agree with what the judges said about her being too old. If you thought she was too old, why pick her in the first place? And then use it as (one of) a reason to eliminate her? It was the same thing when they picked plus sized women, don’t get me wrong but I’m all for equality. But I didn’t agree that they would pick a plus-sized woman but from the way the show went, these girls would never get the chance to win. Her size would always be an issue. Again, then why pick her in the first place? You’re giving someone false hope so to speak. Anyway, I digress.

Brittany comes from Tallahassee, FL and is 22-years-old. Her favourite movie is Old School and Zoolander (points to wicked sense of humour). And her favourite TV show is Will & Grace. Brittany is an elementary school instructional aide.

She’s LOUD! But I kind of liked her a lot. She brings a certain vivaciousness to the show, like everyone instantly perks up when she’s around. And I would really like to see her and Janice in a shouting match! And see who wins haha….. She might go far, the only problem was she would have the tendency to do overly sexy bordering on vulgar poses. They want America’s Next Top Model, not the next Playmate of the Year.


Christina like Brittany also hails from Talahassee, FL. Christina is 24 and a fashion marketing student. She loves to watch Sex and the City and her favorite food is anything Italian. Her favourite movie is Notting Hill.

Hehe anyone else feel like Christina looks like she’s in shock ALL THE TIME? Her eyes are huge, and it borders on scary ;-) But nevertheless, she had an amazing photograph. But I don’t see her lasting very long.

21 and from Broken Arrow, OK. She watches The O.C., reads Rolling Stone and her favorite movie is Waiting for Guffman.

She’s cute! Anyone else think she looks like the Boomkat lead singer, Taryn Manning? And like Tyra and the gang, I did not believe her when she said she’s never seen the show. But I think she can go far, she’s got that edgy look they seem to love.

Keenyah is from Compton, CA, and is 19. Toy Story is her favorite movie, Vogue is her favorite magazine, and when she’s in the mood for the munchies, chili cheese fries hit the spot.

Another chick with a slight attitude problem, although nowhere near Brandy. She had a problem with her haircut, which I thought turned out pretty well until she decided to put the oil in! But she is pretty, and seems to photograph well.

She’s 21 and hails from Modesto, CA. Her favourite TV show is the Newlyweds [sob sob Jessica and Nick :-(] and her favourite movie is The Sweetest Thing. She’s a janitor.

Hehe cosmic girl said this chick was ugly. I must admit her photograph does not do her justice, she looks better in the show. She has that pixie type of face. However, her photograph did not come out well. And the judges comments about her having one look is a bit worrying. That was the reason Kelle was booted off in season 3.

A native of Terre Haute, IN, Michelle is only 19-years-old. She’s a wrestler! She apparently love the Iron Chef! Hehehe and lists Trainspotting as her favourite movie ….

I actually did not like her, I’m sorry to me she looked a bit like a man. Her physique I mean. And to me there were other prettier girls, but the judges chose her so maybe there’s something there I did not see. But again I don’t see her lasting very long.

Naima is a 20-year-old waitress form Detroit, MI. Another sushi eater, Naima enjoys reading Vogue and her favorite TV show is Law & Order.

oh oh oh she's a Trekkie! I love her already hehehe, anyone thought she looked like Jennifer Lopez when they showed her picture with her long hair? She’s very unique, and would be a welcome addition to the group. Plus she seems sweet so that’s a plus point. She’s a dancer, this might pose a problem in her shoots though. As what happened to Yaya last season, where the judges kept saying she was too dancer-like. But if she uses her dance training as an inspiration it might help her.


She’s 20, a realtors assistant and comes to us from Reno, NV. Noelle is crazy over that 70s show and her favourite movie is Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

She’s cute and her story about having a child after being diagnosed with endiometris was inspiring. But I also don’t see her lasting very long.

Rebecca is a former flight attendant that comes to us from Minneapolis, MN. She’s 22, and her favorite magazine is US Weekly.

She reminds me of the girls who acts in Married to the Kelly’s. I’m not sure which one as I don’t actually watch the show but from what I see in the ads. She is very cute in a Reese Witherspoon kind of way. She would be perfect in Hollywood, the modelling world I’m not so sure. But having the hair extensions has vamped up her look a bit so who knows? ;-)

22-year-old Sarah comes from Baltimore, MD. She is a waitress. Her favourite TV show is the Simpsons and her favourite movie is the Princess Bride.

Her peter pan haircut was very cute, it’s almost similar to what they did for Nicole last season. Let’s hope the same fate does not befall her as it did Nicole (being labelled as dull and forgettable). She apparently has a tattoo on her arm (err I don’t know what was my point with that hehehe)

Tatiana is from Maui, HI. She’s 18-years-old, lists Braveheart as her favorite movie and “programs on the History channel” as her favorite TV show. She is also a waitress.

She is pretty, but I agreed with the judges her face in her photographs looks rather scrunched up. Like all her features are close together.

A mother, Tiffany is 22 and comes from Miami, FL. Her favourite show is actually Spongebob Squarepants! Ok I’ve heard that sort of a cult favourite. And has a hankering for Popeye’s Spicy Wings.

Those who followed ANTM 3 (but it has been repeated several times throughout the course of the audition show) Tiffany was a preliminary contestant in season 3 but was eliminated before they got down to the final 14. And her famous water throwing incident at another patron at the place they girls went to. Honestly I didn’t think she was pretty, not then and not now. I don’t know whether her sob story (and it is rather sad) somehow influenced the judges decision in picking her.


Thanks guys!

To those who left kind words, thanks! Unfortunately I've not yet recovered from my mental block but hope it goes away soon! ;-)


writer's block ;-)

a lot of people have asked me why I have not updated my blog in a long time, truth be told I think I've come down with a severe case of mental block...... I really don't know what to write..... not to say nothing has happened over the past few months, but I just don't feel like writing about it.... and it just seems mundane somehow......

or it's probably that I'm just probably a burnt out 28 year old ;-)

I've been reading blogs trying to get inspiration, but there's nothing there........ but I'll try.....

hehehe I don't know who is actually going to read this, I think all my friends have given up on me..... sorry guys!


Malaysian Idol....the first results show

I was away for the weekend, but was kept up to date by a deluge of sms's! My predictions did not come true... Sadly, I sincerely feel Malaysia got it wrong...... But it is a reality show, and the fans are entitled to vote... and since I didn' vote, guess I can't complain much..... But Trish, one of my favourites in the competition! : (


Malaysian Idol .... 1st spectaculars

The first Malaysian Idol spectaculars kick started tonight, 11 contestants vying for the title sang their hearts out (or at least attempted too) in order to win the votes……

I like the current crop of singers, overall as a group they’re definitely better than last year’s…. And what’s exciting about this is it’s almost anybody’s game, last year Jac was the clear winner from the very first auditions. These contestants are pretty much on equal footing…….

The show started with them singing Fame…. A bit of a cliché or perfectly suited for the occasion, depending on which way you look at it ;-) It was a decent try, it’s their first try so I’m not going to be too harsh…..

Here’s a brief re-cap of how the contestants fared tonight…….

Atilia - This was the one Paul had commented looked like a wedding singer during the workshops (does any one else think the names are a bit weird… workshops & spectaculars, I mean who comes up with this stuff)…. Anyway, I digress….. She sang You Had Me by Joss Stone. It was a very good attempt, she certainly has powerful vocals. She’s a great singer, no doubt. She attempted to give a sassy performance, although I think she meant it to be sassy but it came off a bit “aggressive” or “garang” as per the judges comments. However, overall it did not impress me much…. It did come off one-dimensional…. Joss stone has a bluesy earthy voice, and the song has a bluesy earthy feel… which to me did not suit her style……

Ash - I nearly voted for Ash during the workshops, primarily because I thought he was pretty cute. Yes, I can be shallow. ;-) But the idea was abandoned as once as I heard him sing…. Tonight he attempted “I Don’t Want to Be” by Gavin Degraw, one of my current favourite songs…… And of course, Bo Bice’s excellent rendition came to mind, will Ash be able to perform up to par…? NO…. His voice was lost in the music, it was out of tune and it was all over the place. I also wrote short notes during the performance in anticipation of writing this blog, and I wrote “rock star wannabe, but tak jadi”… a few seconds later, Roslan says he simply does not have a rock star voice but he’s attempting to sing rock star songs….. Paul said Ash sounded like he bought the book “Rock Star for Dummies”… hey I can be a judge on Idol! ;-) anyway, truthfully this was a man who should have made it to the final rounds. The judges were correct….. His Idol stint will be short lived…..

Azam - Another pretty boy, he’s cute and can sing relatively well…. The only thing is just that found him to be a tad too cocky…. There is a fine line between confidence and cockiness, and he’s just crossed it. He sang Salsabilla, it was pretty good with just an off pitch here and there… The judges were also right in this aspect, he does not seem to have a connection with the audience… And dude, just putting a scarf around your neck but wearing a work shirt & khakis does not a “middle-eastern-vibe” outfit make……..

Trish - I love her, she’s bubbly and funny, she exudes a warmth that just attracts you to her….. Her vocals are good, not fantastic but her personality more than makes up for it…… But tonight singing a woman’s worth, her personality did not shine thru… and thus her vocal limitations stood in stark contrast…….For the record, I liked her outfit……

Adam - I must admit, I love Adam… he has a beautiful voice, I love his tone… the only problem with Adam (aside from not being macho enough) is his tacky moves… we saw it during his Januari performance, and again tonight. He sang Mentera Semerah Padi (wearing a better “middle-eastern-vibe” outfit than Azam), it was good but it wasn’t great….. I expect better things from him next time!

Farah - The woman has the complete package, she’s a hot babe, she’s sweet & nice and a nice voice to boot. The fact that she’s had a single out before is a tad iffy but who am I to argue against pursuing one’s dream…. She sang Cobalah Untuk Setia, another favourite of mine…. Her vocals were good, she has good voice control.. Unbidden comparisons to Marsha of AF came to mind (she did the same song last Saturday). Honestly, Farah has a better voice control than Marsha but the better overall performance would have to be Marsha….. She had more style, she told the story more effectively……

Ejay - Ejay, Ejay, Ejay… We Belong Together… really….? It’s a tough song to sing, for one it’s Mariah Carey but it is also one of her tougher songs…. We attempted it at Karaoke, and we failed miserable… I mean we don’t profess to be of Idol standard but take it from me it was really really tough…….She did mumble her way through it. I have no doubt she can reach the high notes, but that song requires you to have a good tempo, or ‘groove” as Kak Jee put it……

Faizull - I must make another confession, I simply do not hear this pure voice that Faizull has….. I simply don’t think he has a good voice… Perhaps I’m not such a hard core rock person, I don’t know….. But it was a certainly energetic performance, I’ll give him that…….

Daniel - the other pretty boy…. The one that’s supposed to be Vick’s replacement… I liked him during the initial auditions, but I did not really like him in the workshop… He also has the same “mumbling” disease…. He sang True by Ryan Cabrera, perfect for his voice, style and range……… but I thik he has the potential to go far, based on all the girl votes he’s probably getting……..

Xerra - the memorable pink haired girl… She sang Karma by Alicia Keys… She’s a natural onstage, not surprising since she’s already a lounge singer….. Again, her vocals are good, not great but her style more than makes up for it… She lost focus several times during the performance, but it was a good effort.. However, Paul was right best we leave the hip hop to the blacks……..

Nita - Left Outside Alone, the song arrangement left out the high pitched intro that Anastacia did… thus it lacked the big bang intro which is probably the best part of the song…… This song needs powerful vocals, attitude, a bit more sass which did not really come thru Nita tonight…. She’s also a natural on stage, her experience also a contributing factor…..

There you have it, all 1 contestants….. A pretty good effort overall since this is only the first show……. My pick as to who will leave, it’s a toss up between Ejay & Ash based on tonight’s performance but I’d probably say Ejay will be the first to go….. We’ll see if I’m right! ;-)


A Friendly Trip Down Memory Lane

I had read two articles from my friend’s blogs, both of whom were my university mates…. Adzwan had written about his university days, and all the cherished memories that he held so dear. Javard had written about Turning 30, which also included his days at university…. I had the idea of writing something similar, however for some reason the spark of inspiration was not there……

Then I watched season 10 of Friends… Let me backtrack a bit, I had bought the final season of Friends as soon as it came out….. I kept hounding the DVD guy, even leaving my handphone number for him to call me as soon as it came out! Anyway, I found myself with some free time last week and I decided to watch the whole final season all over again…….

Anyone can safely say, that Friends is without a doubt one of the biggest (if not the biggest) show of the late 20th century…. Everyone loved watching them….. 6 virtual unknowns (well except probably for Courtney Cox whom up until that point was immortalized as the girl Bruce Springsteen pulled up on stage) became huge megastars, commanding huge paychecks….. An almost unprecedented $1 million (apart from Frasier & Seinfeld) per episode….. The beauty of Friends was more than the fact that it was a funny comedy about 6 good looking people living it up in New York City…. At its core, it was a show with a lot of heart….. Here was a bunch of people who were the best of friends, who genuinely loved each other and would do anything for each other…..

I would remember Friends more for its poignant moments than its funny ones, Ross secretly volunteering to take Rachel to the prom, Ross missing out on an appearance with Discovery Channel to help Rachel out, Phoebe’s little speech to her triplets, Chandler screwing up the marriage proposal until he went back to the apartment to find Monica to what turned out as one of the best season endings ever…..

Suddenly a wave of nostalgia hit me…. HARD….. A kaleidoscope of memories came flashing through my mind….

I remember renting Friends from our local Blockbuster and watching it with my friends…..

I remember watching the latest episodes of Friends which one of our friends had taped on Sky (to the uninformed Sky was the “Astro” of British television, something us poor undergrads had no access too) : (

I remember certain happenings on Friends mirrored what had happened in real life…… For example, there was an episode where the three girls had pored over a copy of Playboy…. I remembered some girlfriends and I had borrowed one of our friend’s copy of Playboy just to see what the fuss was all about (surprisingly there were a lot of interesting articles in it … I KID you not!!!!)

I remember the episode where Monica, Phoebe, Joey & Chandler were stuck in Monica’s room and the girls had performed a waxing job on Joey… One of my allegedly more macho guy friends had asked us to do the same, just to see how painful it was……The expression on his face was PRICELESS!!!!

I remember endless conversations with my friends about each episode, laughing over the jokes, imitating the characters.......

I remember a particular conversation with Javard where he said Monica’s scene with the “7s” was probably one of the best scripts in the whole entire show….

I remember C (bukan nama sebenar) and myself used to quote Friends all the time, which led a lot of people to think that we were really really weird…..

I remember searching for similar clothes that Rachel had worn on the show, I thought she had a phenomenal wardrobe!

Friends, without a doubt, played an instrumental part in our lives…… Yes it was only a TV show, but a major part of our lives revolved around the show….. no we are not sad people… really :-)

Even until now, Friends references crop up in our daily conversation…..

I had a major bimbo moment last week, and as I was telling the story to my friends I ended it by saying I felt like Joey …..

Two days ago, we had a conversation about clothes and A (juga bukan nama sebenar) had mentioned that she would line up her work clothes and wear them in that order….. We had likened her to Monica……..

My boss had asked me whether he can borrow my latest season of friends….. (guys the cool one not the other one kay)

Friends was more than a TV show, it also brought people closer together….. It certainly did with my own set of people…. And as I was watching the montage I was suddenly reminded of my own life, and my own cherished memories with my friends…. And for that I am deeply grateful……..